Rules and Regulations Regarding Overweight and Oversize Vehicle Permits
290-RICR-40-00-1 ACTIVE RULE
1.1.1Legal Authority
A.The Rhode Island Department of Transportation with respect to highways under their jurisdiction is empowered under R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-21 to issue special permits to applicants that operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles that exceed size and weight restrictions specified in R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 31-25.
B.The Department of Transportation is also authorized by R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-1(b) to promulgate rules and regulations for the application and issuance of permits for oversize and overweight vehicles or loads.
C.The following rules and regulations shall amend the rules and regulations for overweight and oversize vehicles issued on April 23, 1978, June 21, 1976 and February 8, 1974, and shall supersede all overweight and oversize permit policies previously established by the Department of Transportation.
If any provisions of these rules and regulations or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the provisions or application of the rules and regulations which can be given effect, and to this end the provisions of these rules and regulations are declared to be severable.
A.The purpose of this manual is to establish a standard operating procedure for the application and issuance of oversize and overweight vehicle and load permits that will insure the structural integrity of our highway system and also make it available for movement of commodities that can be reasonably transported along our highways.
B.Where the statutory weight or dimensions for oversize or overweight vehicles or loads are exceeded, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation may issue additional nondivisible load permits for travel on state highways in Rhode Island only when other forms of transportation are not available and the size and or weight does not exceed that suggested by the Office of the Chief Engineer, Division of Public Works and the authorized personnel.
C.These nondivisible load permits will be issued for the purpose of permitting the necessary transportation of units which are excessively long, wide, high or heavy, but only where sound engineering judgement warrants issuance after careful study and review of bridge structures and clearances, traffic safety, roadway width, possible damage to roadway surfaces and weather and road conditions. The standard operating procedure for the application and issuance of nondivisible load permits is enumerated in §§ 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 of this Part.
D.Divisible load permits may also be issued pursuant to the operational procedure and requirements established in § 1.7 of this Part and are only issued to overweight and not overdimensional vehicles or loads.
E.Any provisions of the following rules to the contrary notwithstanding, no motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, or semi-trailer unit may be operated or permitted to operate on the system of Interstate and Defense highways within this state with a gross vehicle weight or weight per axle such as would preclude this state from receiving Federal Highway Aid funds under Title 23 of the United States Code.
A.“Consortium permit” means a permit that is for interstate travel in more than one participating consortium state. The availability of these permits allows a transporter to only communicate with one consortium state rather than each consortium state that the transporter passes through.
B.“Department” means the Rhode Island Department of Transportation.
C.“Extra large vehicle or load permits” means permits for moves that are in excess of the maximum weight and or dimensions listed for consortium permits regardless of whether the move is interstate or intrastate. Applications for these permits shall be submitted at least five (5) working days in advance of the move to allow our engineers to check routes submitted for overhead clearance, etc.
D.“Interstate moves” means moves that pertain to the transportation of an oversize or overweight vehicle or load that originates, travels or has a destination point outside of Rhode Island.
E.“Intrastate moves” means moves that pertain to the transportation of an oversize or overweight vehicle or load that originates, travels entirely within the borders of the state and has a destination point within Rhode Island.
1.4General Guidelines - Nondivisible Permits
1.4.1Where to Apply
State of Rhode Island, Division of Motor Vehicles – 600 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920.
1.4.2How to Apply
Applications may be accepted by mail, telephone, Transceiver East, U.S. Funds, Xero-Fax or Cummins Cash and Information Services (CCIS) (RIDOT Permit Section 401-462-1384.).
1.4.3When to Apply
Between the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday except holidays as listed in § 1.4.15 of this Part.
1.4.4Fee for Permit
A trip fee of twenty dollars ($20) is charged for the movement of non-divisible vehicles or loads. A blanket fee for intrastate moves may be obtained for one hundred dollars ($100) in lieu of paying intrastate trip fees.
1.4.5Conditions for Issuance of Permit
A permit is required when any vehicles or combination of vehicles exceed the legal limits specified in R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 31-25-1 through 29 (see § 1.9(D) of this Part for clarification of legal dimensions and § 1.9(A) of this Part for gross weight and axle load limits), or in accordance with the clarification of these rules and regulations.
1.4.6Application for Overweight/Oversize Permit
A.Applications for all nonreducible permits with the exception of consortium permits will require details of proposed make-up of load, overall dimensions, routing, axle spacing, number of wheels and the estimated load distribution of each axle along with additional information as required.
B.Applications for consortium permits shall require such information as object to be moved, origin and destination, multistate routing, dimensions and weight, registration information on vehicles as required weight, number of axles and such additional information as required.
C.Also, source and destination of shipment, desired route and turning radius for long loads shall be supplied. Applications for extra large vehicles or load permits shall be submitted at least five (5) days in advance to allow sufficient time for review by the Department.
1.4.7Failure to Comply with Regulations
Failure by the applicant to comply or agree with general provisions stated on a permit may be the basis for refusal to issue a permit. Violation of any provision of a permit may also be the basis for denying future permits.
1.4.8Surety Bonds
In special cases, a special surety bond is to be furnished to the Department as security in lieu of adequate liability insurance.
1.4.9Department Jurisdiction
A.Nonconsortium permits issued by the Department of Transportation will be effective only on routes and highways which are maintained by the Department.
B.To travel over bridges under the jurisdiction of the Rhode Island Bridge Authority, (Mount Hope Bridge and Newport Bridge) or local town or city streets, permits must be obtained from their responsible authorities.
1.4.10Confirmation of Permit
Any permit issued shall be displayed in the vehicle for which the permit was issued.
A.By accepting a permit, the permittee agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State, its officers and employers from all suits, actions and claims of any character brought because of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of the operations of the permittee.
B.The mover shall assume all responsibility for any damages to road surface, traffic lights, bridges or other structures and all liability in case of injury to person or property that may result from such transportation. Liability and property damage insurance in sufficient amounts to cover any and all claims which may arise shall be carried by the permittee, and under this coverage, the State of Rhode Island shall be saved harmless from any such claims.
C.The Department of Transportation may impose restrictions it deems necessary to prevent damage to highways or structures and to protect the traveling public. An engineering analysis may be necessary to determine appropriate protective restrictions.
D.When there is a possibility that a move may damage highway facilities, the applicant will be required to deposit a certified check or other security in an amount determined by the Department of Transportation.
1.4.12Single Trip Permits
Permits are issued for one specific move only.
1.4.13Blanket Permits
A.Blanket permits may be issued for the intrastate movement of nonreducible loads for a three- or six-month period as determined by the Department of Transportation up to an overall length of seventy-five (75) feet and width of eleven (11) feet, eleven (11) inches. All other moves require an individual special permit. These applications must be in writing to the Department of Transportation, 600 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920. Prior to the expiration date of the Blanket Permit, a new letter shall be submitted for the reissuance of the permit to this Department.
B.The Department will not automatically issue a Blanket Permit after the expiration date.
1.4.14Emergency Moves
A.Requests for emergency moves shall be considered very carefully. Emergency permits are issued only for a calamity caused by fire, flood, riot, windstorm, explosion and oil slick which requires immediate remedial action to protect life or property.
B.The fact that a contractor or mover is being delayed in the prosecution of a job or contract, or has a crew of men waiting for a piece of equipment is not considered an emergency.
C.As declared by the President of the United States or by the Governor of the State or the Governors designee in which any emergency arises, any agency requesting such a move will contact the State with authorization for such companies.
1.4.15Holidays and Restrictions in Rhode Island
A.No moves are authorized unless otherwise noted from sunset on Friday to sunrise on Monday or the following holidays:
1.New Years Day - January 1
2.*Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday - Third Monday of January
3.Memorial Day - Last Monday in May
4.Independence Day - July 4
5.Victory Day - Second Monday in August
6.Labor Day - First Monday in September
7.Columbus Day - Second Monday in October
8.*Election Day - Tuesday after the First Monday in November (even years)
9.Veterans Day - November 11
10.Thanksgiving Day - Fourth Thursday in November
11.Christmas Day - December 25
a.*Moves are allowed - State Offices are closed
B.If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is also restricted as a holiday; and if the holiday falls on Saturday, the previous Friday is restricted as a holiday after 12:00 noon.
C.If a holiday falls during the week, travel is allowed up to 12:00 noon on the day before the holiday
A.The permit applicant in applying for nonconsortium permits must be responsible for coordinating his desired routings. After review, if it is not approved by our Department, he must coordinate another routing providing the necessary information and submit it to the Permit Section of the Division of Motor Vehicles for further checking. Analysis of routes, bridges, paving materials, etc. shall be checked for extra large vehicles or loads.
B.Application to transport extra large vehicles or loads shall be submitted at least five (5) working days to allow our engineers to check routes submitted, overhead clearances, etc.
1.4.17National Defense and Military Convoys
A.The Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles will permit highway movements in excess of legal limits which are essential to National Defense.
B.Authorized military representatives will, when applying to the Rhode Island Department of Transportation for permits for oversized, overweight, or other special vehicular movements, furnish such information as may be necessary to enable this Department to make a reasonable evaluation of the effects of the movements on the highway facilities and traffic involved.
A.The applicant must conform to the following:
1.Applicant must apply to the Permit Section, Division of Motor Vehicles at least seven (7) days before moving.
2.Applicant must submit a building permit from the city or town plus the approval of any removal of overhead signs, lights, trees or limbs that may require cutting, guard rails or fence removals.
3.Confirmation from the local or state police, who will be in attendance for escorting move, for the safeguarding of traffic while building is being moved.
4.The applicant must notify utility companies if necessary.
5.Applicant must furnish routes to be taken, estimated time on state highways and the approximate miles on state highways.
6.The applicant must also submit the location of overhead signs, lights, trees or limbs that may require cutting, guardrails or fence removals.
7.Locations of bridges on routes to be taken must be supplied.
8.Two-way traffic must be maintained at all times with certain exceptions made by the Chief Engineer.
9.Replacements and removal of guardrails, fences, etc., supervised or removed or replaced by our Maintenance Division shall be billed for the time consumed to the applicant.
10.The applicant must furnish the Department of Transportation with a Certificate of Liability Insurance, an acceptable bond or other security to cover damages that may occur to roads, bridges or other structures.
11.Travel shall be at a safe rate of speed. Where possible, every effort should be made not to obstruct the flow of traffic proceeding at different speeds. In no event may a vehicle exceed posted speeds.
12.If city or town roads are to be used, an individual permit from either the city or town is required.
13.Buildings are allowed to be moved Tuesday through Thursdays only.
1.4.19Mobile and Modular Homes
A.Legal Width – eight (8) feet, six (6) inches
B.Legal Length – sixty (60) feet
C.Legal Height – thirteen (13) feet, six (6) inches
D.Over the above dimensions require a special permit.
E.Permits for interstate travel may be obtained through the guidelines adopted in § 1.6 of this Part.
F.Escorts- See § 1.5.4 of this Part.
G.Flags- See § 1.5.1 of this Part.
H.Signs- See § 1.5.2 of this Part.
I.Flashing Lights- See § 1.5.3 of this Part.
1.The applicant shall be responsible for coordinating his desired routings. If it is not approved by this Department, he must coordinate another routing and provide the necessary information for checking same. Issuance of consortium permits shall be restricted to designated routes established by the consortium.
K.Speed- See § 1.5.6 of this Part.
1.4.20Construction Equipment
A.Escorts- See § 1.5.4 of this Part.
1.Along with the above escort requirements, see § 1.5.1 of this Part for flag requirements.
C.Bridge Clearances
1.The applicant requesting a permit must check the routes to be traveled for bridge clearances.
D.Running Engine on Vehicle
1.A running engine will not be allowed on the loaded vehicle while traveling on any highway.
E.Properly Mounted Load
1.The load shall be properly secured as to prevent it from dropping or shifting.
F.Speed- See § 1.5.6 of this Part.
G.Weather Conditions- See § 1.5.9 of this Part.
1.4.21Cranes – Own Power
A.Prior to May 1, 1989 blanket nondivisible load permits will be issued for the movement of cranes without restricting movement other than requiring cranes to abide by posted bridge limits.
B.As of May 1, 1989, annual blanket permits will be available for intrastate movement of cranes that do not exceed the following dimensions and/or weights:
1.12' width
2.13'6" height
3.95' length
4.130,000 weight
C.The blanket permits are restricted to a designated network that will be established by the Department of Transportation and disseminated to the trucking industry.
D.As of May 1, 1989, all cranes that exceed the above weight and/or dimensions are required to obtain trip permits.
1.4.22Special Requirements for the Jamestown Bridge
A.Because of its narrow width (twenty-two (22) feet zero (0) inches curb to curb), a request for an overwidth permit to travel across the Jamestown Bridge will be carefully scrutinized before it is issued.
B.For vehicles over nine (9) feet wide which receive a permit, the owner must arrange with police officials to halt traffic on one end of the bridge before proceeding across the bridge.
1.5Safety Requirements – Nondivisible Permits
A.All warning flags will be either red or orange fluorescent and at least eighteen (18) inches square. Flags will be clean enough to distinguish the color of the flag from a reasonable distance.
B.All warning flags will be secured by at least one corner or mounted on a staff. There are two circumstances requiring the use of flags:
1.Overwidth loads - at least two (2) and up to six (6) flags will be mounted at the widest extremity of the load, depending upon the load configuration (see Figure 1, § 1.5.1(C) of this Part); and
2.Overlength loads or loads with rear- or front-end overhang in excess of four (4) feet will display one flag at the end of the overhang if less than two (2) feet wide, and two flags if the overhang is over two (2) feet wide (see Figure 2, § 1.5.1(D) of this Part).
C.Figure 1
D.Figure 2
1.5.2Signs for Oversized Loads
A.The wording for the sign will be: OVERSIZE LOAD. The sign size will be as follows:
1.For Load Vehicles
a.Size: Not less than seven (7) feet long and eighteen (18) inches high
b.Color: Black letters on yellow background
c.Letter Size: Not less than ten (10) inches high with approximately
d.One point four (1.4) inch brush stroke
e.Location: Front of vehicle and rear of load
2.For Escort Vehicles
a.Size: Not less than five (5) feet long and twelve (12) inches high
b.Color: Black letters on yellow background
c.Letter Size: Not less than ten (10) inches high with approximately
d.One point four (1.4) inch brush stroke
e.Location: Front or rear of escort vehicle as appropriate
B.Upon delivery of the oversized load, the signs shall be removed or covered, so that they are no longer visible.
A.For Load Vehicles - no special lighting is required on load vehicles. However, load vehicles will travel with low beam headlights on at all times.
B.For Escort Vehicles - flashing yellow lights shall be in operation above the highest point of the vehicle and visible from the front and rear. Escort vehicles will also travel with low beam headlights on at all times.
1.5.4Escort Vehicles
A.Escort vehicles are required to accompany permitted vehicles under the guidelines in this paragraph. Escort vehicles will be at least the size of a compact size car or larger. The drivers of escort vehicles will maintain visual and two-way radio contact with the permitted vehicle at all times. When one (1) escort is required, it shall precede a load on undivided highways and follow the load on divided highways. Following is a description of escort vehicle requirements. Escort vehicle requirements will be generally the same on both four (4)-or-more lane divided highways and on two-lane roads on the designated system as follows:
a.No escort is required for overall width less than twelve (12) feet. One (1) escort vehicle is required for overall width of between twelve (12) feet and fourteen (14) feet, six (6) inches. Two (2) escort vehicles are required for over fourteen (14) feet, six (6) inches.
a.No escort vehicle is required for overlength of less than eighty (80) feet. One (1) escort is required for overlength between eighty (80) feet and ninety (90) feet. Two (2) escort vehicles are required for over ninety (90) feet.
a.No escort vehicle is required if overhang is less than fifteen (15) feet with proper flags displayed. One (1) escort vehicle is required if the overhang is fifteen (15) feet or more. There may be some special circumstances where a second escort vehicle will be required for overhangs due to safety reasons, but such occurrences are anticipated to be infrequent. One example in which two (2) escorts will be required is when the overhang is fifteen (15) feet or more to the rear, on a two (2) -lane, undivided highway, where the width is twelve (12) feet or more.
a.Two (2) escorts are required with police escort from each city or town where move will travel.
a.Two (2) escorts are required for intrastate moves of width twelve (12) and over.
1.5.5Spacing Between Permitted Vehicles
There shall be a minimum spacing of one thousand (1,000) feet between any oversize permitted vehicles traveling in the same direction.
Permit vehicles must travel a safe speed and obey any special speed restrictions for permit vehicles established by the state in which they are traveling.
1.5.7Days of Travel
A.Permit travel is authorized during approved hours on Monday through Friday. No permit travel on Saturday or Sunday is authorized under the agreement. (Weekend travel in states which allow it must be coordinated individually between the carrier and that respective state.) Permit travel is not allowed on specified holidays.
B.A list of individual state holiday periods on which travel is restricted will be published annually be each state and will be sent to all state permit issuing offices well in advance of January 1 of the year in which the holidays occur.
1.5.8Hours of Travel
A.Most permitted vehicles may travel on designated routes from thirty (30) minutes prior to sunrise until thirty (30) minutes after sunset. No night-time travel is authorized except for envelope vehicles which are overweight only and are capable of traveling with the traffic flow are not restricted to daylight travel time.
B.For mobile or modular homes over twelve (12) feet wide, for construction equipment over thirteen (13) feet wide and for cranes the allowable time periods for travel are between sunrise and 7:00 AM and between 9:00 AM and 3:30 PM on all of I-195 and on I-95 from the Massachusetts/Rhode Island state line to State Route 37.
1.5.9Inclement Weather
No travel is allowed when road conditions, weather conditions, or visibility make traveling hazardous to the operator or to the driving public. Vehicles which are underway when inclement weather occurs must exit the road at the first available location and park in a safe place until the weather clears, or until the road conditions improve.
1.5.10Use of Travel Lanes
When two (2) or more lanes are available in one direction, vehicles in excess of twelve (12) feet wide shall travel in the right lane, except in an emergency or to comply with any other restrictions established by the state in which they are traveling.
1.6Special Interstate Permit - Nondivisible
1.6.1Adoption of Uniform Interstate Permit Procedures
The guidelines and procedures adopted by the New England Transportation Consortium pertaining to a uniform procedure for the issuance of permits for nondivisible vehicles and loads traveling interstate, are hereby adopted by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation. This adoption not only embraces the guidelines and procedures that are currently agreed to, but also such changes in the guidelines and procedures as are hereafter agreed to by the states that have entered into a reciprocal agreement established by the New England Transportation Consortium. Copies of the New England Transportation Consortiums Common Truck Permit Procedures may be obtained from the Truck Permit Office within the Division of Motor Vehicles.
1.7Divisible Load Permits
The purpose of the rules and regulations in this section is to state clearly the policy and procedures of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation’s in relation to the application for and issuance of permits for overweight vehicles carrying reducible loads.
Any load consisting of a product, material or equipment which can be reduced in height, weight, length and/or width to all the specified statutory limit.
1.7.3Where to Apply
Division of Motor Vehicles – 600 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920.
1.7.4How to Apply
Applications (see § 1.7.6(A)(1) of this Part) may be obtained in person from the above address or by calling 401-462-1384.
1.7.5When to Apply
Between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday except holidays.
1.7.6Fee for Permit
A.Rhode Island Registered Vehicles - fee is reflected in the registration fee.
1.Permit Registration Form
B.Permit Fees for Out-of-State Registered Vehicles -Trailers – thirty dollar ($30) flat fee.
C.Two (2)-, three (3)- or four (4)- axle trucks – ten dollars ($10) per one thousand (1,000) pounds over legal limit - maximum three hundred dollars ($300) for seventy-six thousand, six hundred fifty (76,650) pounds.
D.Tractors – ten dollars ($10) per one thousand (1,000) pounds over legal limit - maximum two hundred dollars ($200) for ninety-nine thousand (99,000) pounds, ninety-nine thousand (99,000) to one hundred four thousand, eight hundred (104,800) pounds – two hundred fifty dollars ($250).
E.Transfer fee – ten dollars ($10.00).
Applications submitted for permits must contain a gross vehicle weight certification by the applicant and the manufacturer along with all data requested in the application form in duplicate and a copy of the registration.
Permits will be issued on an annual basis by the Division of Motor Vehicles unless otherwise indicated on the permit. However, the Department specifically reserves the right to deny or revoke any permit or class of permits when, in its judgement and discretion, public safety or sound engineering judgement warrants.
An administrative hearing will be given to any person aggrieved by the denials or revocation of a permit or an intradepartmental interpretation of these rules. The appeals process shall be initiated by filing a written appeal with the Director of the Department of Transportation within five (5) working days of receipt by the aggrieved party of the Departments decision or ruling.
Employees of the Department of Transportation, State Police, local police and other duly authorized law enforcement officers may require the owner or operator of a vehicle for which a divisible load permit has been issued to be submitted to safety, equipment and/or braking inspections and shall have the power to direct such vehicle to the nearest scale or testing area of the State Police or Rhode Island Department of Transportation. The aforementioned officials and law enforcement officers shall also have the option of using privately-owned scales with the consent of the owner of the facility.
1.7.11Revocation, Suspension of a Permit
A.The holding of a permit is a privilege. If a person drives or moves or an owner causes to be driven or permits a vehicle to be driven or moved, which vehicle is adjudicated to have driven or moved in excess of the limits of a divisible load permit issued for such vehicle, the following provisions listed in Figure 3 may apply.
1.Figure 3
Conviction | Period of Revocation of Permit for Specific Vehicle | Period of Non-Issuance of Future Permits for Specific Vehicles |
First | 60 Days | 30 Days |
Second (within 12 months of first conviction) | 120 Days | 60 Days |
Third (within 12 months of first conviction) | 12 Months | 6 Months |
B.Five (5) convictions of the size, weight and load laws on citations issued during a twelve (12) month period may constitute a six (6) month revocation of the owner or company’s privilege to obtain permits.
1.7.12Specific Load Limits
A.The Bridge Formula becomes effective on April 1, 1989 and the maximum weight limits without a divisible load permit appear in § 1.9 of this Part.
B.The specific maximum load limits for divisible load permits are listed in § 1.9 of this Part.
1.7.13Travel Restrictions
Permits are restricted to travel on State highways and do not authorize travel over any bridge, culvert or structure posted for weight less than the weight of said vehicle and load.
1.7.14Additional Requirements
Cities or towns may require additional specific permits.
Vehicles exempt from applying for special permits governing size and weight are defined in R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 31-25-2 and 31-1-9.
1.8Rhode Island General Laws - Size, Weight and Load Limits
A.R.I. Gen Laws §§
1.31-25-1. Compliance with Chapter required.
2.31-25-2. Vehicles exempt from limitations.
3.31-25-3. Maximum width.
4.31-25-4. Maximum height.
5.31-25-5. Maximum length of single vehicle and load.
6.31-25-6. Maximum number and length of coupled vehicles.
7.31-25-7. Front and rear extensions of load.
8.31-25-8. Pole trailers.
9.31-25-9. Prevention of leakage of load.
10.31-25-10. Fastening of load and covering.
11.31-25-11. Connections between coupled vehicles.
12.31-25-12. Flags on tow chains.
13.31-25-12.1. Vehicles to be towed in right lane.
14.31-25-13. Axle load limit.
15.31-25-14. Maximum weight carried by multiple axle vehicles. (Effective until April 1, 1989) Maximum weight and tandem axles. (Effective April 1, 1989)
16.31-25-15. Investigations as to safety of buses, trucks and trailers.
17.31-25-16. Authorized weight shown in registration - Exceeding limit.
18.31-25-17. Identification of trucks and truck-tractors.
19.31-25-18. Weighing of suspected overweight vehicles.
20.31-25-19. Removal of excess from overweight vehicles.
21.31-25-20. Refusal to submit to weighing or removal of excess load.
22.31-25-21. Power to permit excess size or weight of loads.
23.31-25-22. Application for excess load permit.
24.31-25-23. Conditions and restrictions on excess load permit.
25.31-25-24. Carrying and inspection of excess load permits.
26.31-25-25. Seasonal weight restrictions by local authorities.
27.31-25-26. Prohibition of commercial vehicles by local authorities.
28.31-25-27. Weight restrictions on state highways.
29.31-25-27.1. Weight restrictions on Veterans Memorial Parkway - East Providence
30.31-25-28. Liability or damages from excess weight.
31.31-25-29. Refuse - hauling vehicles - Exemption from permit.
B.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-1. Compliance with chapter required. - (a) Except in reference to R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 31-25-16 and 31-25-27 where it shall be considered a violation, it is a misdemeanor for any carrier to drive or move or to cause or permit to be driven or moved on any highway any vehicle or vehicles of a size or weight exceeding the limitations stated in this chapter or otherwise in violation of this chapter and the maximum size and weight of vehicles herein specified shall be lawful throughout this state, and local authorities shall have no power or authority to alter said limitations except as express authority may be granted in this chapter. The term carrier shall include any company or person who furthers their commercial or private enterprise by use of the vehicle. (b) the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation shall promulgate rules and regulations and requirements consistent with this chapter for the application and issuance of permits for overweight and oversize vehicles or loads.
C.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-2. Vehicles exempt from limitations. - The provisions of this chapter governing size, weight, and load shall not apply to fire apparatus, road machinery, farm vehicles, including farm tractors, temporarily moved upon a highway, any vehicle owned and operated by the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority which is designed for carrying passengers and is comprised of two (2) sections permanently joined by a hinge mechanism or an articulated joint which allows vertical and horizontal movement and a passage for riders moving from one (1) section to the other, or to a vehicle operated under the terms of a special permit issued as herein provided.
D.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-3. Maximum width. - The total outside width of any vehicle or the load thereon shall not exceed one hundred two (102) inches.
E.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-4. Maximum height. - No vehicle including any load thereon shall exceed a height of one hundred sixty-two (162) inches.
F.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-5. Maximum length of single vehicle and load. - No vehicle including any load thereon, except Rhode Island Public Transit Authority articulated buses, shall exceed a length of forty feet (40') extreme overall dimension inclusive of front and rear bumpers.
G.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-6. Maximum number and length of coupled vehicles. - No combination of vehicles coupled together shall consist of more than three (3) units, a truck-tractor, semi-trailer and trailer, and such combination of vehicles shall not be restricted in overall length except that when a truck-tractor, semi-trailer and a trailer are used in combination, the trailer or semi-trailer each shall not exceed twenty-eight and a half feet (28'6"), excluding bumpers and accessories. Provided, however, that combinations of vehicles consisting of three (3) units shall be permitted to operate only on the Interstate Highway System and on those highways, streets and roads designated by the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation. Combinations of vehicles consisting of truck-tractor and semi-trailer coupled together shall not be restricted in overall length and semi-trailers shall not exceed forty eight and one half feet (48'6") in length, excluding bumpers and accessories, except as otherwise provided in respect to the use of a pole trailer and combinations designed to transport motor vehicles and/or automobiles as authorized in R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 31-25-7 and 31-25-8, provided, however, that the limitations that no combination of vehicles coupled together shall consist of more than three units shall not apply to a combination of vehicles coupled together by a saddle mount device used to transport motor vehicles in a drive-away service when no more than three saddle mounts are used, and provided further, that equipment used in said combination is approved by part 393.71 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and safety regulations of the Division of Motor Vehicles of the Department of Transportation of the state of Rhode Island. Any owner or operator found deviating from the approval permitted routes shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).
H.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-7. Front and rear extensions of load. - Subject to the foregoing provisions of this chapter limiting the length of vehicles and loads, the load upon any vehicle operated alone or the load upon the front vehicle of a combination of vehicles shall not extend more than three (3’) feet beyond the foremost part of the vehicle, and the load upon any vehicle operated alone or the load upon the rear vehicle of a combination of vehicles shall not extend more than six (6’) feet beyond the rear of the bed or body of such vehicle.
I.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-8. Pole trailers. - The limitations as to length of vehicles and loads heretofore stated in R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 31-25-5 and 31-25-6 shall not apply to any load upon a pole trailer as defined in of R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-1-5(e) when transporting poles or pipes or structural material which cannot be dismembered, provided that no pole or pipe or other material exceeding eighty (80’) feet in length shall be so transported unless a permit has first been obtained as authorized in R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-21.
J.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-9. Prevention of leakage of load. - No vehicles shall be driven or moved on any highway unless such vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to prevent any of its load from dropping, shifting, leaking; or otherwise escaping therefrom, except that sand may be dropped for the purpose of securing traction, or water or other substance may be sprinkled on a roadway in cleaning or maintaining such roadway.
K.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-10. Fastening of load and covering. - No person shall operate on any highway any vehicle with any load unless said load and any covering thereon is securely fastened so as to prevent said covering or load from becoming loose, detached, or in any manner a hazard to other users of the highway.(a) No motor truck trailer or semi-trailer which is used for the purpose of hauling logs, pulpwood, lumber, or other materials which by their very nature may shift or roll so as to be likely to fall from such vehicle shall be operated or moved over any highway unless its load is securely fastened to the vehicle by chains, cables, or other approved devices as will effectively prevent the shifting or falling of such load or any part thereof from the vehicle. The ends of such chains, cables or other devices and any tire chains shall be tied securely, whether the vehicle is loaded or unloaded so that loose ends shall not endanger pedestrians or other vehicles encountered on the highway. (b) This section shall not be construed to include a truck transporting lumber, wood or sawmill wastes, when transported in a box type body with solid sides, provided that such truck is not loaded higher than its side-boards. (c) A person who violates the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100) for the first violation, and not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500) for any subsequent violations. (d) No person shall operate a motor truck or other vehicle carrying or transporting any rubbish, refuse or other debris on any highway without first securely fastening a covering thereon to prevent the contents from falling to said highway. No person shall operate on any highway any vehicle with any load unless said load and any covering thereon is securely fastened so as to prevent said covering or load from becoming loose, detached, or in any manner a hazard to other users of the highway. (e) No person shall operate an open motor truck or other similar vehicle while carrying or transporting any child under sixteen (16) years of age without securely fastening the same to prevent them from becoming loose or detached in any manner.
L.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-11. Connections between coupled vehicles. - When one (1) vehicle is towing another the drawbar or other connection shall be of sufficient strength to pull all weight towed thereby and said drawbar or other connection shall not exceed fifteen (15’) feet from one (1) vehicle to the other except the connection between any two (2) vehicles transporting poles, pipe, machinery, or other objects of structural nature which cannot readily be dismembered.
M.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-12. Flags on tow chains. - When one (1) vehicle is towing another and the connection consists of a chain, rope, or cable, there shall be displayed upon such connection a white flag or cloth not less than twelve (12) inches square.
N.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-12.1. Vehicles to be towed in right lane. - When a tow truck or other vehicle is towing another vehicle, except those vehicles designed to be in combination, in this state upon any public highway divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for travel in the same direction, it shall be unlawful to tow except in the right lane of travel. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall upon conviction, be fined twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first offense; the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the second offense, and the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) for the third and each subsequent offense.
O.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-13. Axle load limit. - (a) the gross weight imposed on the highway by the wheels of any one (1) axle of a vehicle shall not exceed twenty-two thousand four hundred (22,400) pounds. (b) For the purposes of this chapter an axle load shall be defined as the total load transmitted to the road by all wheels whose centers are included between two (2) parallel transverse vertical planes forty (40”) inches apart, extending across the full width of the vehicle.
P.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-14. Maximum weight carried by multiple axle vehicles. (Effective until April 1, 1989.) - It shall be unlawful to transport or operate over or upon any public highway in this state any vehicle equipped with two (2) axles the gross weight of which including its load exceeds thirty-two thousand (32,000) pounds when equipped with rubber tires if the front and rear axles are less than six (6) feet apart, or thirty-six thousand (36,000) pounds if such axle spacing is less than twelve (12) feet apart, or any single vehicle equipped with three (3) or more axles the gross weight of which including its load exceeds forty thousand (40,000) pounds if the front and rear axles are less than sixteen (16) feet apart, or forty- four thousand (44,000) pounds if such axle spacing is less than twenty (20) feet apart, or any vehicle of the tractor semi-trailer class equipped with three (3) or more axles the gross weight of which including its load exceeds forty-six thousand (46,000) pounds if the front and rear axles of the combined unit are less than twenty-two (22) feet apart, or fifty thousand (50,000) pounds if such axle spacing is less than twenty-seven (27) feet apart provided, however, that the weight of a tag-along trailer secured to such vehicle by a pin and pintel hook shall not be considered in determining the above loads, so long as said trailer, when loaded, does not exceed its manufacturer's weight limits, and as long as the vehicle towing said trailer and/or the trailer itself possesses the proper braking capacities for said trailers. Maximum weight and tandem axles. (Effective April 1, 1989) - It shall be unlawful to operate over or upon any public highway in this state any vehicle equipped with tandem axles, should the gross weight of said axles exceed forty-four thousand (44,000) pounds if such axle spacing does not exceed eight (8) feet. With respect to all public highways, the overall gross weight on a group of two or more consecutive axles of a vehicle or combination of vehicles, shall be determined by the following bridge gross weight formula: W = 500 ( (LN / (N-1) ) + 12N + 36 ) where W = the overall gross weight on any group of two or more consecutive axles to the nearest 500 pounds; L = the distance in feet between the extremes of any group of two or more consecutive axles; and N = the number of axles in the group under consideration. Such overall gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles may not exceed 80,000 pounds except as specified in R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 31-25-1, 31-25-2 and 31-25-21. In any calculation using the above formula in which the multiple axle limit is less than 44,000 pounds, 44,000 pounds shall be considered the legal limit. Single axle limits shall be as defined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-13. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to abrogate any of the "grandfather rights" in existence as of (April 1, 1989). The weight of a tag-along trailer secured to be operated any vehicle or combination of vehicles of a gross weight in excess of that registered by the registrar or permitted by the registrar or in excess of the limitations set forth in this chapter. For the purposes of this section the term carrier shall mean and include any company or person who furthers their commercial or private enterprise by use of the vehicle. Penalties for violations of this section will be calculated on the registered or permitted weight in comparison to the actual weight and shall be heard and adjudicated at the administrative adjudication division of the department of transportation. (a) The overweight penalties for vehicles exceeding 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight shall be as follows. No fine for the first five hundred (500) pounds overweight; fifteen cents ($.15) per pound overweight between five hundred (500) pounds and five thousand (5,000) pounds; and one dollar ($1.00) per pound for each pound overweight in excess of five thousand (5,000) pounds. (b) The overweight penalties for vehicles under 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight shall be twenty-five cents ($.25) per pound overweight. (c) the overweight penalty for vehicles being operated in excess of one hundred four thousand, eight hundred (104,800) pounds gross vehicle weight shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000) in addition to the penalties enumerated in subdivision (a) hereof.
Q.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-17. Identification of trucks and truck-tractors. - Every motor truck and every truck-tractor exceeding a gross vehicle weight or gross combination weight of 10,000 pounds shall be identified with the name, trade name or company identifying logo and the city and state of the owner and operating carrier, or individual transporting property, when such transportation is for the furtherance of any commercial enterprise. However, in lieu of the city and state one (1) of the following may be displayed on the vehicle: The Interstate Commerce Commission number if a regulated interstate carrier, or An identifying number issued by an official state agency. The display of identification prescribed by this section shall be in letters in sharp color contrast to the background and be of such size, shape and color as to be readily legible, during daylight hours, from a distance of fifty (50’) feet while the vehicle is not in motion. The display of identifying may be accomplished through the use of a removable device so prepared as to otherwise meet the identification requirements and legibility requirements of this section, if the vehicle is operated by any company or carrier. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the display of additional identification as may be required by other laws of the State or any other state, or agency or department of the federal government. Penalties for violations of this section shall be handled by the administrative adjudication division of the department of transportation and the fines shall be as follows: twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first offense; fifty dollars ($50.00) for the second offense; one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the third and subsequent offenses.
R.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-18. Weighing of suspected overweight vehicles. - Any proper officer having reason to believe that the weight of a vehicle and load is unlawful is authorized to require the driver to stop and submit to a weighing of the same by means of either portable or stationary scales, and may require that such vehicle be driven to the nearest available stationary scales.
S.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-19. Removal of excess from overweight vehicles. - Whenever a proper officer upon weighing a vehicle and load, as above provided, determines that the weight is unlawful, such officer may require the driver to stop the vehicle in a suitable place and remain standing until such portion of the load is removed as may be necessary to reduce the gross weight of such vehicle to such limit as permitted under this chapter. All material so unloaded shall be cared for by the owner or operate of such vehicle at the risk of such owner or operator.
T.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-20. Refusal to submit to weighing or removal of excess load. - Any driver of a vehicle who fails or refuses to stop and submit the vehicle and load to a weighing, or who fails or refuses when directed by a proper officer upon a weighing of the vehicle to stop the vehicle and otherwise comply with the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 31-25-18 and 31-25-19 shall upon conviction, be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) and not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250).
U.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-21. Power to permit excess size or weight of loads. - The State Department of Transportation with respect to highways under their jurisdiction may in their discretion upon application in writing and good cause being shown therefor, issue a special permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding eight thousand pounds (80,000) or otherwise not in conformity with the provisions of R.I. Gen Laws Chapters 31-1 through 27, inclusive, of this title upon any highway under the jurisdiction of the party granting such permit and for the maintenance of which said party is responsible. Provided, however, that neither the State Department of Transportation nor the local authorities may issue permits for divisible loads weighing in excess of one hundred four thousand, eight hundred (104,800) pounds gross vehicle weight for five (5) axle vehicles and seventy-six thousand six hundred fifty (76,650) pounds, gross vehicle weight, for three (3) axle vehicles. The Director of the Department of Transportation may enter into agreements with other states, the District of Columbia and Canadian provinces providing for the reciprocal enforcement of the overweight or overdimensional vehicle permit laws of those jurisdictions entering into the agreement. TRIP PERMIT FEE. A fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be paid to the Division of Motor Vehicles for the issuance of each non-reducible vehicle or load permit. ANNUAL FEE. A fee of one hundred dollars ($100), paid to the Division of Motor Vehicles shall exempt the payor from the necessity of paying trip permit fees as found in subsection (A) provided, however, that payment of such fee shall not be deemed to authorize noncompliance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Department of Transportation entitled State of Rhode Island Manual for Overweight and Oversize Vehicle Permits. Revenue derived from the fees shall be used by the Department of Transportation for defraying the administrative cost of issuing non-reducible vehicle or load permits.
V. R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-22. Application for excess load permit. - The application for any such permit shall specifically describe the vehicle or vehicles and load to be operated or moved and the particular highways for which permit to operate is requested and whether such permit is requested for a single trip or for continuous operation. For continuous operation of divisible loads, specifically described vehicle or vehicles must be certified originally by the manufacturer thereof to possess the braking and carrying capacity for the weight specified on the application.
W.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-23. Conditions and restrictions on excess load permits. - (a) The state department of transportation or local authority is authorized to issue or withhold such permit at its discretion; or, if such permit is issued, to limit the number of trips, or to establish seasonal or other time limitations within which the vehicles described may be operated on the highways indicated, otherwise to limit or prescribe conditions of operation of such vehicle or vehicles, when necessary to assure against undue damage to the road foundations, surfaces, or structures, and may require such undertaking or other security as may be deemed necessary to compensate for any injury to any roadway or road structure. Whenever a permit is issued by the state department of transportation or local authority for continuous operation, such permit shall not be issued for a period in excess of the registration date of the subject vehicle. Upon re-registration of the subject vehicle, permits shall be issued by the state department of transportation or local authority, upon the re-certification of the braking and carrying capacity of the subject vehicle as specified on the expired permit.
X.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-24. Carrying and inspection of excess load permits. - Every permit issued under R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-21 to 31-25-23, inclusive, shall be carried in the vehicle to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any proper officer or authorized agent of any authority granting such permit, and no person shall violate any of the terms or conditions of such special permit.
Y.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-25. Seasonal weight restrictions by local authorities. - (a) Local authorities with respect to highways under their jurisdiction may by ordinance or resolution prohibit the operation of vehicles upon any such highway or impose restrictions as to the weight of vehicles to be operated upon any such highway, for a total period of not to exceed ninety (90) days in any one (1) calendar year, whenever any said highway by reason of deterioration, rain, snow, or other climatic conditions will be seriously damaged or destroyed unless the use of vehicles thereon is prohibited or the permissible weights thereof reduced. (b)The local authority enacting any such ordinance or resolution shall erect or cause to be erected and maintained signs designating the provisions of the ordinance or resolution at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and the ordinance or resolution shall not be effective unless and until such signs are erected and maintained.
Z.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-26. Prohibition of commercial vehicles by local authorities. - Local authorities with respect to highways under their jurisdiction may, by ordinance or resolution, prohibit the operation of trucks or other commercial vehicles, or may impose limitations as to the weight thereof, on designated highways, which prohibitions and limitations shall be designated by appropriate signs placed on such highways. For the purpose aforesaid, a suburban vehicle, as defined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-1-3, shall not be deemed to be a truck or commercial vehicle.
AA.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-27. Weight restrictions on state highways. - The state traffic commission shall likewise have authority as hereinabove granted to local authorities to determine by resolution and to impose restrictions as to the weight of vehicles operated upon any highway under the jurisdiction of said commission and such restrictions shall be effective when signs giving notice thereof are erected upon the highway or portion of any highway affected by such resolution. Penalties for posted bridge weight violations shall be based on the fine schedule imposed within the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-16.
BB.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-27.1. Weight restrictions on the Veterans Memorial Parkway - East Providence - No motor vehicle with a gross weight exceeding two (2) tons except those listed herein shall be allowed to travel the Veterans Memorial Parkway in the city of East Providence. The director of the department of transportation is hereby directed to post signs to limit access as prescribed above. The following vehicles shall be exempt from the provisions of this section: Vehicles of a fire department, police vehicles, corrections vehicles, ambulances, emergency vehicles, state vehicles, municipal vehicles, vehicles of the Rhode Island public transit authority, marked school transportation vehicles, and delivery vehicles whose destination is addressed on said parkway. The state department of transportation or local authority is authorized in accordance with the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-23 to issue or withhold permits to all vehicles other than those enumerated in this section.
CC.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-28. Liability for damages from excess weight. - (a) Any person driving any vehicle, object, or contrivance upon any highway or highway structure shall be liable for all damage which said highway or structure may sustain as a result of any illegal operation, driving, or moving of such vehicle, object, or contrivance, or as a result of operating, driving, or moving any vehicle, object, or contrivance weighing in excess of the maximum weight in this chapter but authorized by a special permit issued as provided in this chapter. Whenever such driver is not the owner of such vehicle, object or contrivance, but is so operating, driving, or moving the same with the express or implied permission of said owner, then said owner and driver shall be jointly and severally liable for any such damage. Such damage may be recovered in a civil action brought by the authorities in control of such highway or highway structure.
DD.R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-29. Refuse - hauling vehicles - Exemption from permit. – Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of this chapter, a motor vehicle designed and used for the hauling of refuse shall not be subject to State axle weight restrictions when hauling refuse. Nothing in this provision shall waive or modify existing State gross weight restrictions for refuse vehicles or other size and weight restrictions. To the extent that application of this section to highways which are part of the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways would cause this State to be deprived of any Federal funds for highway purposes, this section shall not be applicable to highways which are part of such system.
1.9Rhode Island Department of Transportation Division of Motor Vehicles
A.Permissible gross loads for vehicles in regular operation
W = the overall gross weight on any group of two or more consecutive axles to the nearest 500 pounds; L = the distance in feet between the extremes of any group of two or more consecutive axles; N = the number of axles in the group under consideration.
The permissible loads are computed to the nearest 500 pounds. The modification consists in limiting the maximum load on any single axle to 22,400 pounds |
axles | 2 axles | 3 axles | 4 axles | 5 axles | 6 axles | 7 axles |
4 | 44000 |
5 | 44000 |
6 | 44000 |
7 | 44000 |
8 and less | 44000 | 44800 |
More than 8 | 44800 | 44800 |
9 | 44800 | 44800 |
10 | 44800 | 44800 |
11 | 44800 | 44800 |
12 | 44800 | 4500 | 50000 |
13 | 44800 | 46000 | 50500 |
14 | 44800 | 46500 | 51500 |
15 | 44800 | 47500 | 52000 |
16 | 44800 | 48000 | 52500 | 58000 |
17 | 44800 | 49000 | 53500 | 58500 |
18 | 44800 | 49500 | 54000 | 59000 |
19 | 44800 | 50500 | 54500 | 60000 |
20 | 44800 | 51000 | 55500 | 60500 | 66000 |
21 |
| 52000 | 56000 | 610000 | 66500 |
22 |
| 52500 | 56500 | 61500 | 67000 |
23 |
| 53500 | 57500 | 62500 | 68000 |
24 |
| 54500 | 58000 | 63000 | 68500 | 74000 |
25 |
| 55000 | 58500 | 63500 | 69000 | 74500 |
26 |
| 55500 | 59500 | 64000 | 69500 | 75000 |
27 |
| 56500 | 60000 | 65000 | 70000 | 76000 |
28 |
| 57000 | 60500 | 65500 | 71000 | 76500 |
29 |
| 58000 | 61500 | 66000 | 71500 | 77000 |
30 |
| 58500 | 62000 | 66500 | 72000 | 77500 |
31 |
| 59500 | 62500 | 67500 | 72500 | 78000 |
32 |
| 60000 | 63500 | 68000 | 73000 | 78500 |
33 |
| 61000 | 64000 | 68500 | 74000 | 79500 |
34 |
| 61500 | 64500 | 69000 | 74500 | 80000 |
35 |
| 62500 | 65500 | 70000 | 75000 |
36 |
| 63000 | 68000 | 70500 | 75500 |
37 |
| 64000 | 68000 | 71000 | 76000 |
38 |
| 64500 | 68000 | 71500 | 77000 |
39 |
| 65500 | 68000 | 72500 | 77500 |
40 |
| 66000 | 68500 | 73000 | 78000 |
41 |
| 69500 | 73500 | 78500 |
42 |
| 70000 | 74500 | 79000 |
43 |
| 70500 | 75000 | 80000 |
44 |
| 71500 | 75500 |
45 |
| 72000 | 76000 |
46 |
| 72500 | 77000 |
47 |
| 73500 | 77500 |
48 |
| 74000 | 78000 |
49 |
| 74500 | 78500 |
50 |
| 75500 | 79500 |
51 |
| 76000 | 80000 |
52 |
| 76500 |
53 |
| 77500 |
54 |
| 78000 |
55 |
| 78500 |
56 |
| 79500 |
57 |
| 80000 |
B.Permissible gross loads for vehicles in regular operation
1.Note: Twin Trailers operation limited to designated system.
2.Permit required for access to terminals and other qualified activities.
Title | 290 | Department of Transportation |
Chapter | 40 | Infrastructure and Safety |
Subchapter | 00 | NA |
Part | 1 | Rules and Regulations Regarding Overweight and Oversize Vehicle Permits |
Type of Filing | Periodic Refile |
Regulation Status | Active |
Effective | 01/04/2022 |
Regulation Authority:
R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-25-21
Purpose and Reason:
This rule is being refiled by the agency pursuant to R.I. General Laws § 42-35-4.1. No changes were made to the text of this rule.

Supersedes: 280-RICR-30-10-8